
The department of Modern Languages and Literature offers majors and minors in 西班牙语, 法国, 中国人, 和日本, 以及额外的德语语言课程. 大约60%到70%的学生是双学位. Our classes are small and you have the opportunity to get to know your classmates and professor, 始终使用目标语言. Our professors are highly experienced in their fields and have traveled widely.


Learning another language is the key that opens the door to new cultures, 前景和机会. 它简化并增强了我们彼此沟通的能力, and makes it possible to become a more fully-informed citizen of the world. 在今天的全球化社会, mastery of language is a critical skill for personal and professional fulfillment.


你可以选择在三年内获得学士学位. Do your part to stay on track, and you could shave a year off your undergraduate work. That means significant savings on tuition and you get a jumpstart on your career.


Pacific 法国 students Jamie Chesbrough and Natali Hoeg created a podcast to explore Albert Camus' "The Plague" and how it resonates during our COVID-19 pandemic.


豪尔赫·拉米雷斯-马丁内斯一生都在挑战机遇. He is a first-generation college student whose family lived across from campus on Pacific Avenue. 在太平洋英语学院修了三个专业, 西班牙语 and film—Ramirez-Martinez is now a writer on the popular Netflix show "Selena: The Series."


Our students enjoy each other's company inside and outside of the classroom. With clubs and organizations dedicated to helping students explore their love of language, our students have created a vibrant community that amplifies their 教育al experience at Pacific.

The University has chapters of two national honor societies for outstanding work in a language, 文学 and culture: Pi Delta Phi for 法国 and Sigma Delta Pi for 西班牙语. The Jan Good Award is presented to winners of an annually posted essay contest in 法国 or 西班牙语. The MLL Annual Awards night celebrates achievement in all of the above languages.

2014年秋天,太平洋法语俱乐部迎来了复兴 现实生活ç行乐 through film screenings, cultural events, field trips, and other social activities. 最近的活动包括放映 《美女与贝蒂 (2014), with a costume parade and authentic 法国 desserts, and a screening of Joyeux没有ël,以纪念第一次世界大战爆发100周年. For more information on the 法国俱乐部 and its activities, please contact Dr. 科萨纳·埃拉姆 ceram@joyerianicaragua.com.


你准备好来一次难忘的意大利之旅了吗? Pacific’s 暑期浸入式课程 enables you to soak in Italy's culture and beauty while you earn units toward your degree. This six-week program allows you to study the Italian language while exploring the beautiful area of Assisi. You will also have the opportunity to take guided tours in Rome, Venice and surrounding areas. 住在一个家具齐全的公寓和探索意大利在周末.



Modern Language and Literature students graduate with real world language proficiency and a cultural knowledge that give them a unique edge in the global economy as they step into their futures. 我们的毕业生在翻译行业取得了成功, 解释, 业务, 国际关系, 法律, 教育, 健康的职业, 科技与金融. 那些在工作中使用第二语言的人平均享有 收益提高8% 比起只会说一种语言的同事.

Our alumni find many ways to pursue their passions and build a successful career using their knowledge of a second language. A recent survey of Modern Languages and Literature graduates found that our alumni are working for companies and organizations that include:

  • 亚马逊.com
  • 也是
  • 圣地亚哥教士队
  • 娱乐之声杂志
  • Internews
  • Kiva小额贷款

  • 科德斯基金会
  • 国际救援
  • 德勤DTBA
  • 美林(Merrill Lynch)
  • LinkedIn
  • 硅谷社区基金会

无论你从事什么职业, 学习另一门语言打开了一扇通往新文化的大门, 以及看待世界的新方式. 在我们日益全球化的社会中, the value of being able to communicate with people from different cultures and nations cannot be overestimated.


艾玛主修西班牙语和国际研究, and she's taking what she has learned to help immigrants as an interpreter in a 法律 firm.

"I did a combination of majors within the 西班牙语 department and the School of International Studies as well as anthropology. I knew at a very young age that I wanted to learn more about the world and globalization, 语言及其工作原理. 我觉得国际关系学院可以提供这些."  



现代语言文学系提供语言课程, 中文文学和文化史课程, 法国, 日语和西班牙语. 开设亚洲研究专业或辅修专业, 中国人, 法国, 日语或西班牙语. 鼓励跨专业双学位. Some 文学, civilization, film and interdisciplinary courses are taught in English translation. 

西班牙语课程包括入门, 中间, and advanced level classes for both native and nonnative speakers of 西班牙语. 西班牙语语言学, 西班牙文学, cimena and civilization courses are complemented by experiential learning opportunities. 所有课程全部用西班牙语授课.

The curriculum in 法国研究 includes beginning multi-media based language classes, 以文化和语言为重点的中级课程, 高级语言和写作课程, 文学与文明概览, theme-based advanced courses that cover 法国 and Francophone 文学 and cinema, 以及其他交叉课程,如法国电影史. 除非另有说明,所有课程均以法语授课.

This major allows students to develop their language skills in 中国人 or Japanese while simultaneously gaining significant knowledge about the Asian context. Students share a strong interdisciplinary curriculum and choose to concentrate their language study in 中国人 or Japanese. 非语言课程将以英语授课,并包括电影, 文学, 历史, 政治与宗教. 本专业要求在中国大陆/台湾或日本留学一学期. 该专业的最低修课数为34个. 

The mission of the 拉丁美洲研究 程序 at Pacific is to create an academic environment that engages faculty and students in the interdisciplinary study of Latin America and Latinx culture, 通过特邀讲座, 电影, 研讨会, 圆桌会议, and other cultural events as well as the minor in 拉丁美洲研究. The interdisciplinary minor is intended to provide students with cultural competencies that will develop their knowledge of the region and provide a competitive advantage in any profession.


  • 辅修拉丁美洲和拉丁研究
  • Lectures by international personalities and intellectuals such as: María Hinojosa, 胡安Villoro, 吉尔勒莫Gomez-Pena, 胡安·卡洛斯·鲁尔福, 等
  • 艺术展览
  • 拉丁美洲电影
  • 增强领导力和职业发展机会


Bachelor of Arts in Asian Language and Studies, Concentration in 中国人
Bachelor of Arts in Asian Language and Studies, Concentration in Japanese
辅修拉丁美洲/美国.S. 拉丁/ o研究


